Training, Educating, Equipping, Empowering for Destiny Fulfilling

Course: Weapons I
Text Book: Strategic Intercessory Warfare I – Weapons
How to be Equipped and Empowered Through Spiritual Communications
Author and Instructor: Dr. Pauline Walley-Daniels
Academic Information
Course Description
This course, “WEAPONS” explores the realms of warfare, and examines various types of battles that confront us. It educates on how to be equipped and empowered through spiritual communications. Participants are taught to use the knowledge to help themselves, and then use one’s personal experience to help others. Students will participate in practical sessions where they will receive instruction on how to fight battles and war against the enemy by ministering the act to one another. Students who refuse to receive ministration will not be allowed to minister to anyone. Non-participation or exemption from practical sessions will result in loss of 30 percent of grade.
Course Objective
The purpose of this course is to enable students:
- To understand the basic knowledge of spiritual warfare and intercessory ministry with ministration.
- To decipher between the uses of various terminologies that applies to spiritual warfare, especially in the realms of “Weapons” and their usage.
- To use the knowledge acquired as effective tools to work the works of the kingdom.
- To know how to use the knowledge to minister to self as the preaching of the gospel requires personal experience.
- To understand the language of the spirit and its application to the natural environment
Learning Objective
The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand the basic knowledge of deliverance (building on previous knowledge).
- Students will be able to explain the basic concept of spiritual warfare and the realms of “Warfare”.
- Students will be able to decipher between the usages of various terminologies that applies to “Weapons” in spiritual warfare ministration.
- Students will be able to analyze the experiences of the individuals that seek help from Intercessory ministry to gain victory.
- Students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge acquired with regards to intercessory ministration.
- Students will be able to implement the skills of intercessory prayer and warfare ministration.
- Students will be expected to write an exam or essay on the basic concept of “Weapons” in the realms of Intercessory Prayer Warfare.
- Students will be expected to present a case study and analyses or evaluate how to handle warfare cases that relates to “Intercessory Prayer.”
- Students will be able to journal their experiences from lessons learned about “Weapons.”
- Students will be able to do a group report with “Weapons” in the realms of warfare ministration.
- Students will be able to participate in spiritual warfare session with the assistance of a supervisor or a mentor.
Required Text Books
1. The Holy Bible (Kings James Version and New King James Version)
2. Strategic Intercessory Warfare: Weapons by Dr. Pauline Walley-Daniels
3. Receive and Maintain Your Deliverance on Legal Grounds: by Dr. Pauline Walley-Daniels
4. Deliverance Solution Wisdom: Freedom I – How to Set the Captive Free
5. The Power of the Spoken Word by Evg. Pauline Walley
6. Anger: Get Rid of it by Evg. Pauline Walley
Recommended Text Books
- Pigs in the Parlor by Frank & Ida Mae Hammond
- Evicting Demonic Intruders by Noel & Phyl Gibson
- They shall Expel Demons by Derek Prince
- How to Cast Out Demons by Doris M. Wagner
- Deliverance from Evil Spirits by Francis MacNutt
- You Can Know How to Defeat Satan by Morris Cerullo
Course Requirement (for credits award)
- 90 to 100 percent of class attendance is required for course completion
- Students must read and study the recommended chapters prior and after the class session
- Students must complete required exams and/or project as required for a category of study
- All students must be present to participate actively in all the practical sessions; and take note of all observations for further discussion and project writing
- All students must present a weekly reflective paper.
- All students must post their comments on the school websites to encourage others.
Course Evaluation
- This program is an intensive practical training that requires each student to be present and actively participate in all practicum.
- Students will be evaluated based on practical knowledge and observations noted during each major session.
Course Assessment
Student’s assignment and project assessment would be based on:
- Knowledge
- Comprehension
- Application (Practicum)
- Academic Satisfaction
- Proper Citation of Authorities and frequency of references
- Spelling/Grammar/Syntax/Submission
Assignments & Projects
Students are required to write a weekly reflection on the topic covered. Each question must be answered adequately to reflect the exactly question as stated in the course assessment above. Also, see reflection and continuous assessment questions below.
Each week’s reflective paper carries 10% of final grade.
Onetime Projects:
A 7 -12-page paper is due at the end of each semester course. This paper will integrate all elements of the course work including previous writing, discussions, reading, practical experiences and practical reflections.
Students must clearly articulate the comprehension of lessons learned and knowledge acquired as stated in the course assessment above.
Please see related questions for project at the end of each section or chapter.
This project carries 30% of final grade.
*Please, note that your personal experiences and encounters are needed in all presentations.
Practical Reflection for Continuous Assessment
1. What did you learn?
2. How practicable is, the lesson learnt.
3. How does the lesson affect you?
4. How do you plan to use the lesson to shape your life style?
5. How will you also use the lesson learnt to help others?
There will be a final quiz at the end of each course section.
Course Schedule and Reading:
Student must read related chapters or pages before class session.
Book: Deliverance Solution Wisdom: Freedom I
How to Set the Captive Free
Syllabus and Requirements
- : Strategic Intercessory Warfare
- The Realms of Prayer
- The Nature of Prayer
- The Realms of Intercessory Prayer
- The Technicalities of Intercessory Communications
- The Language and Dynamics of Intercession
- Different Types of Intercessory Communications
- Fruit of the Spirit as Weapon
- Pitfalls of Intercession