COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE TITLE: Systematic Theology (ST) INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Patricia A. Mohabir COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is level […]

COURSE TITLE: Systematic Theology (ST)
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Patricia A. Mohabir
This is level one of a foundational study of the basic doctrines of the Bible concerning revelation, the inspiration of the scriptures, God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
To provide a base of understanding, for the accurate and confident teaching and preaching of the theological truths of the Bible. Through the teaching of this course, the students will be able to identify false doctrine and explain why the study of God is foundational and necessary for effective worship and practice. Furthermore, through training, the students will be able to see all the various truths as a unit and to teach or preach them in balance, not lopsidedly.
- Read and study the course materials including handouts.
- Attend all class lectures.
- Complete all assignments and be prepared to answer the questions for reflection.
- Complete the final examination.
- (King James Version, & NIV) The Holy Bible
- Grudem, Wayne. Systematic Theology
- Conner, Kevin J. The Foundations of Christian Doctrine.
- Ryrie, Charles C. Basic Theology
- Ryrie, Charles C. A Survey of Bible Doctrine
- Torrey, R. A. What the Bible Teaches.
Conner, Kevin J. The Foundations of Christian Doctrine.
Grudem, Wayne Systematic Theology.
- This program is an intensive training that requires each student to be present and actively participate in all sessions.
- The final examination will constitute 50 percent of the final grade. The other 50 percent will be based on homework assignments, projects, quizzes, and oral presentations.
- Students will also be evaluated based on knowledge, comprehension, class participation, and academic satisfaction.
- Students are required to write a weekly reflection on the topic covered. Each question must be answered adequately to reflect the exact question as stated.
Grading Scale:
- A+ = 94-100
- A – = 90-93
- B+ = 84 – 86
- B – = 80- 83
- C+ = 74 – 76
- C- = 70-73
- D+ = 67 – 69
- D- = 60 – 63
- F = Below 60
- ST-201: Christology – The Doctrine of Christ
- ST-202: Pneumatology – The Doctrine of The Holy Spirit
- ST-203: Biblical Anthropology – The Doctrine of Man
- What did you learn?
- How practicable is the lesson learned?
- How does the lesson affect you?
- How do you plan to use the lesson to shape your lifestyle?
- How will you also use the lesson learned to help others?
How to contact me:
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. When possible, please schedule an appointment for discussions either with me directly after class or with the school’s administrator.
Office: 718.652.2916
Cell Phone # 203.500.6952